Eng:FictionBook 2.1 genres

Материал из FictionBook.

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Версия 12:55, 13 января 2006
Gremlin (Обсуждение | вклад)

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Версия 13:33, 13 января 2006
Bailo (Обсуждение | вклад)

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Строка 3: Строка 3:
[[Жанры FictionBook 2.1|Russian]] [[Жанры FictionBook 2.1|Russian]]
-The next list of genres is defined in FictionBook 2.1:+The followin is the list of genres as defined in FictionBook 2.1:
* ''Science Fiction & Fantasy'' * ''Science Fiction & Fantasy''
Строка 114: Строка 114:
** '''religion''' - Other ** '''religion''' - Other
* ''Humor'' * ''Humor''
-** '''humor_anecdote''' - Anecdote+** '''humor_anecdote''' - Anecdote (funny stories)
** '''humor_prose''' - Prose ** '''humor_prose''' - Prose
** '''humor_verse''' - Verses ** '''humor_verse''' - Verses
Строка 131: Строка 131:
-Жанры сгруппированы по темам (это группирование условное и реализуется средствами ПО). Для каждого жанра приведено его условное обозначение (например '''sf_history'''), которое задается в файле книги и расшифровка (for '''sf_history''' this is "Alternative history").+The genres are grouped in themes (this classification is absolutely conventional and realized only in software). Every genre correspond with its abbreviation (for example '''sf_history'''), which is provided in the book file, and its interpretation (for '''sf_history''' being "Alternative history").
[[Category:arts]] [[Category:arts]]

Версия 13:33, 13 января 2006

Внимание! Attention!
Содержимое этой страницы надо перевести на английский язык.

Contents of this page it is necessary to translate into English language.


The followin is the list of genres as defined in FictionBook 2.1:

  • Science Fiction & Fantasy
    • sf_history - Alternative history
    • sf_action - Action
    • sf_epic - Epic
    • sf_heroic - Heroic
    • sf_detective - Detective
    • sf_cyberpunk - Cyberpunk
    • sf_space - Space
    • sf_social - Social-philosophical
    • sf_horror - Horror & mystic
    • sf_humor - Humor
    • sf_fantasy - Fantasy
    • sf - Science Fiction
  • Detectives & Thrillers
    • det_classic - Classical detectives
    • det_police - Police Stories
    • det_action - Action
    • det_irony - Ironical detectives
    • det_history - Historical detectives
    • det_espionage - Espionage detectives
    • det_crime - Crime detectives
    • det_political - Political detectives
    • det_maniac - Maniacs
    • det_hard - Hard-boiled
    • thriller - Thrillers
    • detective - Detectives
  • Prose
    • prose_classic - Classics prose
    • prose_history - Historical prose
    • prose_contemporary - Contemporary prose
    • prose_counter - Counterculture
    • prose_rus_classic - Russial classics prose
    • prose_su_classics - Soviet classics prose
  • Romance
    • love_contemporary - Contemporary Romance
    • love_history - Historical Romance
    • love_detective - Detective Romance
    • love_short - Short Romance
    • love_erotica - Erotica
  • Adventure
    • adv_western - Western
    • adv_history - History
    • adv_indian - Indians
    • adv_maritime - Maritime Fiction
    • adv_geo - Travel & geography
    • adv_animal - Nature & animals
    • adventure - Other
  • Children's
    • child_tale - Fairy Tales
    • child_verse - Verses
    • child_prose - Prose
    • child_sf - Science Fiction
    • child_det - Detectives & Thrillers
    • child_adv - Adventures
    • child_education - Educational
    • children - Other
  • Poetry & Dramaturgy
    • poetry - Poetry
    • dramaturgy - Dramaturgy
  • Antique literature
    • antique_ant - Antique
    • antique_european - European
    • antique_russian - Old russian
    • antique_east - Old east
    • antique_myths - Myths. Legends. Epos
    • antique - Other
  • Scientific-educational
    • sci_history - History
    • sci_psychology - Psychology
    • sci_culture - Cultural science
    • sci_religion - Religious studies
    • sci_philosophy - Philosophy
    • sci_politics - Politics
    • sci_business - Business literature
    • sci_juris - Jurisprudence
    • sci_linguistic - Linguistics
    • sci_medicine - Medicine
    • sci_phys - Physics
    • sci_math - Mathematics
    • sci_chem - Chemistry
    • sci_biology - Biology
    • sci_tech - Technical
    • science - Other
  • Computers & Internet
    • comp_www - Internet
    • comp_programming - Programming
    • comp_hard - Hardware
    • comp_soft - Software
    • comp_db - Databases
    • comp_osnet - OS & Networking
    • computers - Other
  • Reference
    • ref_encyc - Encyclopedias
    • ref_dict - Dictionaries
    • ref_ref - Reference
    • ref_guide - Guidebooks
    • reference - Other
  • Nonfiction
    • nonf_biography - Biography & Memoirs
    • nonf_publicism - Publicism
    • nonf_criticism - Criticism
    • design - Art & design
    • nonfiction - Other
  • Religion & Inspiration
    • religion_rel - Religion
    • religion_esoterics - Esoterics
    • religion_self - Self-improvement
    • religion - Other
  • Humor
    • humor_anecdote - Anecdote (funny stories)
    • humor_prose - Prose
    • humor_verse - Verses
    • humor - Other
  • Home & Family
    • home_cooking - Cooking
    • home_pets - Pets
    • home_crafts - Hobbies & Crafts
    • home_entertain - Entertaining
    • home_health - Health
    • home_garden - Garden
    • home_diy - Do it yourself
    • home_sport - Sports
    • home_sex - Erotica & sex
    • home - Other

The genres are grouped in themes (this classification is absolutely conventional and realized only in software). Every genre correspond with its abbreviation (for example sf_history), which is provided in the book file, and its interpretation (for sf_history being "Alternative history").

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