
Материал из FictionBook.


Librarian Библиотекарь
Description Standard About program
A program for storage, search, classification of electronic books in FB2 format. Storage basis - FireBird 1.5 (Books or only descriptionwhile storing the books in the file system). Automatic adding of books to the library according to the book description. Display of covers, summaries and the other information on the book. Search by author, keywords, series, title. Substring search by author, keywords, title, and genre. Storage of the additional information: the author’s biography, photograph, bibliography. An option to book description editing. An option to save a book file onto hard disk. Transfer of files to MS ActivSync devices. Export of library in the form of a catalog tree like AUTHOR\Author-Book. An option to create a new library file, etc. Requirements: MSXML 4.0, Embedded FireBird 1.5 (included with the setup package), MS DAC 2.7 (not required for Windows XP).
Developer: Dmitry Poustovit, Oleg Knyazev
Version: RC2 / 23.10.2005
Licence: Donationware
Platform: Windows
Develop site: [http: // fb2-library.redholl.com/index.php web-site]
Librarian Book2Shelf
Description Standard About program
A bookcase for those who prefer to keep books on HDD / CD / DVD. Supports search, import of text files (Any2FB required) and viewing/reading. The interface is simple enough, but the program possesses rather wide functionality. Since May 2005, the development has been suspended
Developer: Alexander Shabarshov
Version: 0.9.56 / 16.04.2005
Licence: Freeware
Platform: Windows
Develop site: [http: // unclshura.narod.ru / web-site]
Librarian Домашняя коллекция
Description Standard About program
This program is for people who have home collections of books, videos or CD large enough to keep in mind what they have, where it lies now, or to whom it was given. The program allows to keep quite detailed information on each edition (for books – the publishing house, author, series, genre, contents... Besides, it is possible to update the bibliography on each author, or find any book by a specific prerequisite, or print out the catalogue.)
Developer: Michael Danko
Version: 1.4.1 / 26.11.2005
Licence: Freeware
Platform: Windows
Develop site: [http: // homecollection.narod.ru / web-site]
Librarian LibMaster
Description Standard About program
An autonomous base and FB2 parsing, that is install and enjoy - no extra components.
Developer: Makar4ik
Version: / 2005
Licence: Freeware
Platform: Windows
Develop site: [http: // lmaster2.narod.ru / web-site]
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